Nardi Omega/Alfa Sling Replacement Instructions

Here is the step by step instructions how to replace sling/mesh for Nardi Alfa and Omega Chaises.

Needed tools:

Step 0
a) wedge
b) mallet (rubber hammer)
c) flat screwdriver

Step 1

Step 1
Overturn the lounger

Step 2

Step 2
Unhook the black frame of the seat and back, starting from the straighter part

Step 3

Step 3
Release the fabric by pushing with the back of one’s hand

Step 4

Step 4
Overturn the lounger and remove the fabric and the black frame

Step 5

Step 5
Put in the black frame

Step 6

Step 6
Position the fabric

Step 7

Step 7
Put in the fabric starting from the center (the center of the fabric is marked by an arrow)

Step 8

Step 8
Push and put in the fabric under the black frame

Step 9

Step 9
Hit the wedge with the mallet in order to put in the fabric and the black frame

Step 10

Step 10
Finish the insertion and the hook operations by hitting with the mallet

Step 11

Step 11
Go on with the insertion

Step 12

Step 12
Complete the insertion

Step 13

Step 13
Overturn the lounger and check the correct fixing of the black frame

Step 14

Step 14
Hook with the screwdriver eventual detached hooks

Above instructions are for Nardi products listed below.